i set out yesterday to my atelier with the intent to clean it thouroughly and maybe gain an extra square meter of footspace.
this is purely therapeutic as i ususally end up just moving shit around until i forget that i was supposed to clean and actually regain interest in an old drawing or unfinished canvas.
when i got to the point where i had sorted out the canvases that i would keep and those i could paint over i faced the tedious task of sorting through my sprays . there are the half ful , the quarter full and those that have just a little left over but not empty enough to be discarded.
i gathered the rest cans in a big bag and the canvases and proceded to empty the cans onto the canvases as they came out of the bag and spraying until empty.
i have been wondering for a while what makes graffiti such a public nuisance. more than cars, publicity, noise, dogshit, violence and mindless tv. whats left to live when life is perfect?
as i painted the canvases i tried to stay as far away from what i like in 'graffiti'. trying to adopt a "drunken monk" technique, as far from any sort of reflection as possible is not an easy task.
here is a series i proudly present as 'IGNORANCE' .
no letters
no fancy colors
no can control
no balance
no mind.

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